
art Ability 10 year anniversary logo

Expression through art

artAbility is a student-led project supported by the Idaho CDHD in collaboration with the Self-Advocates of Moscow (SAM).

The project was created in 2014 to encourage adults with disabilities to express themselves through participation in art workshops with local art instructors and University of Idaho student supports.

artAbility 2024-25


Each year, participants take part in a series of art workshops. Each one focuses on a different art technique, creating opportunities to learn about different ways of self-expression. Topics have included clay, expressing emotion through color, outdoor oil painting, collage, Native American culture and drumstick making, wood sculptures and more.

Sessions are led by local artists and our Project Coordinator, with University of Idaho students providing a helping hand.

We would like to thank Stepping Stones, Inc for funding this year's workshops. Without your generosity, artAbility would not be possible.


  Disability Etiquette Training:
Jan 28, 5:30-6:30 pm, UI ISUB Buildling (PDF)

  Plein Air Oil Painting, Mar 23 and 30, 1-3 pm (PDF)

Email Emily Pearson for more information or call
208 885 6000.

Meet our Project Coordinator

Alena Ramikissoon profile picture

Fun fact about this year’s Project Coordinator – she learned about the CDHD and our student trainee program by acting as a natural support at previous artAbility workshops!

Emily Pearson will be taking over the Project this year. She officially joined our team of student trainees last spring. She’s originally from the Boise area and is currently working on her elementary education degree with an endorsement in special education. Emily is excited to lead the Project as she loves the community that artAbility creates for its participants. She's looking forward to taking an active role in cultivating the positive energy the Project is known for.

You can email Emily ( for information on the workshops or any other artAbility questions.